Home / Civil War Genealogy / North Carolina / 3rd North Carolina Cavalry
3rd North Carolina CavalryCSA Flag
Company Unknown
William Russell Hickman
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Gretta Wyman
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/12/2016

Company Unknown
John Thomas Player
- Private
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Contact Name: Jethro Lilley
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Date Added: 8/12/2010

Company A
Andrew Jackson Burch
- Private
Was born on October 22, 1822 in Caswell County, North Carolina.
Andrew left his wife, Mary, and four small children to join the Confederate Army and enlisted with the 3rd Regiment N.C. Cavalry, Co. A (41st N.C. Troops)- June 27, 1863 at almost 42 years of age.
Captured near Hanover Court House, VA. on May 31, 1864, he was confined at Point Lookout Prison in Maryland.
He took the Oath of Allegiance to the Union Army on June 27, 1864 and mustered into Company H, 1st Regiment U.S. Volunteer Infantry at Norfolk, Virginia on July 22, 1864.
His regiment served at Fort Rice in Dakota Territory, and during his service there He engaged in battle with Sitting Bull and his war party.
He mustered out of service with his company on November 27, 1866.
He returned to his home and fathered six more children.
Andrew defied death many times on the battlefield, in prison and on the western frontier.
He died of natural causes on May 8, 1910 at the age of 87.

Contact Name: Vicki
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/30/2011

Company A
Joseph Parrott Hill II
- Private
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Contact Name: Nick Troeleman
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/21/2002

Company A
Abram Francis Newkirk
- Captain
Company A, 3rd Regiment, North Carolina Cavalry (aka Rebel Rangers) (aka Newkirk’s Coast Guard Cavalry). He was my 3rd Great Uncle.

Contact Name: Keith O'Brien
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: militaryroster.wordpress.com/2018/05/21/abram-francis-newkirk-m-d/
Date Added: 6/21/2018

Company A
Charles Carroll Usher
Rank Unknown
He was KIA - 27 May 1864. My third great uncle.
Contact Name: Keith O'Brien
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: https://militaryroster.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/charles-carroll-usher/
Date Added: 6/22/2018

Company B
Christopher Columbus Justice
- Private
Christopher Columbus Justice, my great grandfather enlisted in Onslow County December 28, 1862, about a year later than his two brothers, Francis Marion justice, and Parham Justice. Christopher was the youngest son and his brothers and father wanted him to wait before joining because they thought that the war might be over by Christmas. All three brothers survived the war. Parham was captured near Kings Crossing, VA and confined @ Point Lookout, MD, release June 28, 1865.
Contact Name: Doug Yarbrough
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/4/2009

Company B
Francis Marion Justice
- Private
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Contact Name: Doug Yarbrough
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/4/2009

Company B
Parham Justice
- Private
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Contact Name: Doug Yarbrough
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/4/2009

Company B
John Jeremiah Yopp
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: K. B. Sherman
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/19/2010

Company B
John Jeremiah Yopp
- Sergeant
Dear Sir: Sgt. Yopp is my maternal ggrandfather. Any info you could give me will be appreciated and I will be pleased to share mine as well. Also how are you related to Sgt. J.J.? Jim Poteet
Contact Name: Jim Poteet
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/28/2015

Company B
John Jeremiah Yopp
- 1st Sergeant
My GGG Grandfather was John Jeremiah Yopp if anyone has any information on him or a picture it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for your time!😊
Contact Name: Jason Elliott Yopp
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/27/2022

Company D
Willian James BUIE
- Private
This is a distant relative of mine. Company D was known as the 'Highland Rangers', probably due to their Highland Scottish ancestry.
Contact Name: James David BUIE
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/21/2010

Company D
Daniel Darroch
- Private
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Contact Name: Bryan Green
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/27/2014

Company D
Daniel Henry Marsh
- Sergeant
Entered service on March 5th, 1862. Promoted to Sergeant a few months later and survived the war.
Contact Name: William Cowdrey
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/17/2002

Company E
Richard M. Aldridge
- Private
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Contact Name: lawson stowe warren
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/26/2008

Company E
Lemuel Hardy Mewborn
- 4th Corporal
I have a copy of hiss muster sheet
Contact Name: Richard Scott
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/18/2009

Company E
Thomas Jarvis Tolson
- Bugler
Thomas was 18 years old when he answered the call to defend his home and family from the invaders. He enlisted on 7 Oct 1861 at Camp Gaston near New Bern, Craven Co NC. in Capt. Peter G Evans Co. Independent Cavalry. Aka Capt. W W Carraway's Co. Mustered in 14 Dec. 1861 as Co E 3rd Regt NC Cavalry.[41st State Troops] 15 August promoted to Full Bugler.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/2/2015

Company F
John William Lea
- Private
John was born 4 July 1823 in Chatham County, North Carolina. He has two cards in his archival file. 1st is the cover CMR but does not give his rank. The 2nd card is for clothing issued on 31 Dec 1864. His gravestone placed by his sons states he served in Co F of the aforesaid regiment. This regiment was formed at Kinston, NC in the Fall of 1862 with 1,065 men. It totaled 254 men in Feb of 1864 and surrendered 1 at Appomattox. Fought in Barringer's Brigade in Gen Fitzhugh Lee's Corps. He was the father-in-law of my cousin. He died 19 Mar 1904 and is buried at Mays Chapel [Baptist] at Bear Creek, Chatham Co. NC.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/21/2023

Company H
David Bunyan Melvin
- Private
41st Regiment Volunteers - 3rd Cavalry was organized at Kinston, North Carolina, during the fall of 1862
Jul 15, 1819 – May 24, 1907. He enlisted Dec 14, 1862. On Aug 3, 1863 he was admitted to General Hospital in Farmville VA for Debilities (weakness) and Fever. On Aug 18, 1864 he received new clothing while in the Hospital. On Sep 1, 1863 he was admitted to General Hospital in Farmville VA for chronic diarrhea while convulsing from Typhoid fever. Sep 2, 1863 he was granted 30 days furlough to rehab from the General Hospital in Farmville VA. Captured Swansboro Bogue Banks NC on Apr 30, 1864. On May 6, 1864. he was confined to the Military Prison in Hamilton VA and transferred to Point Lookout on May 8, 1864. He arrived at Fort Monroe, Point Lookout Md on May 9, 1864. He was paroled at Point Lookout and transferred to Aikens Landing VA on Mar 17, 1865.

• Robert Melvin 1792 - 1846 son of Daniel James Melvin Jr, son of Daniel James Melvin
• Elizabeth Herrington Born Mar 11, 1793 and died Aug 12, 1871.
Contact Name: James A. Crook Sr
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2022

Company H
Edward williams Murrill
- Corporal
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Contact Name: racheal silvers
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/19/2015

Company I
Willis M. Nunn
- Private
This is my great great grand uncle.
Contact Name: Steven Robertson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/18/2007

Company I
David A. Robertson
- Captain
This is my great-great grandfather.
Contact Name: Steven Robertson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/18/2007

Company K
Franklin Cooper Buck
- Private
Enlisted as a Private on 16 May 1862 at the age of 24.
Promoted to 4th Corporal on 29 February 1864.
Reduced to ranks by request on 1 March 1864.
Contact Name: Eric Stone
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2010

Company K
Frederick Canaday Buck
- 3rd Sergeant
Enlisted as a Private on 16 May 1862 at the age of 27.
Promoted to 4th Sergeant (Estimated day of Promotion) on 30 November 1863.
Promoted to 3rd Sergeant on 29 February 1864.
Contact Name: Eric Stone
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2010

Company K
James Hunter Buck
- 2nd Corporal
Enlisted as a Private on 16 May 1862 at the age of 25.
Promoted to 4th Corporal (Estimated day of Promo) on 30 November 1863.
Promoted to 2nd Corporal on 29 February 1864.
Contact Name: Eric Stone
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2010

Company K
Lacy E Edwards
- Private
Lacy originally enlisted in Company K of the 17th NC, and after the Unit was Captured at Hatteras, Co A&K, garrisoned at Ocracoke, escaped to Hyde County. In May of 1862 enlisted in the 41st Reg / 3rd NC, and was wounded June 21st, 1864 in the defense of the Weldon RR at Davis Farm. He was with the Tar Heel Cavalry of Gen Barringer. Lacy Returned to duty Sept. 16th and was present on the last available Roster of October, 1864. According to my father, Joseph H. Edwards, Lacy was at Appomattox at the end of the War and returned with his horse.

There is a Web Site for the 3rd North Carolina Cavalry, and by E-Mailing Me, I will send you an Invitation to come view detailed Unit History, Lists, Photos of Areas of Engagements, and Contributions from Members. The site grows frequently by contributions of members, and over a period of time our purpose is to collect as much information about the members of the Third NC as possible. As of Mar 2009, there are over 400 Photos and Hundreds of Discussions about different engagements and actions of the 3rd NC Cavalry on the site. Send me the e-mail, and I will get you on.

Bobby Edwards
Contact Name: Bobby J. Edwards
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/1/2008

Company K
Frederick Harding
- Captain
For more information, please visit my website.
Contact Name: Edward Harding
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://ehardingwbtsancestors.homestead.com/Index.html
Date Added: 6/29/2008

Company K
John H Hardison
- Private
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Contact Name: Jimmy Hardison
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2008

Company K
Henry Machen Patrick
- Private
For more information, please visit my website.
Contact Name: Edward Harding
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://ehardingwbtsancestors.homestead.com/Index.html
Date Added: 6/29/2008

Company K
Alpheous Blount Waters
- 1st Sergeant
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Contact Name: Jimmy Hardison
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2008

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